
Currently, I am working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Developmental Computational Psychiatry lab at the University of Tübingen, where I develop scientific software to streamline and push computational modelling to the forefront of research. I am also a Guest Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics.

My primary research focuses on computational modelling of human heterogeneity (Dome and Wills, 2025a). In addition, I have done effect-centric research on when intelligent systems fail with a special focus on the inverse base-rate effect - an irrational effect of non-uniform generalization of learned experience (Dome and Wills, 2023, 2025b). I have also worked on computational models of learning and decision-making in associative learning (Spicer et al., 2019), and clustering models of category learning and their connections to recognition memory (Dome, Edmunds and Wills, 2021).

To top it all, I work hard on open sourcing science! Transparency, openness, reproducibility and accessability are at the core of my work culture. I am involved in a variety of open-source science projects. I am the lead developer of psp, a senior developer of catlearn.
