
  1. Lenard Dome, and Andy Wills (2025) g-distance: On the comparison of model and human heterogeneity. Psychological Review. accepted.
  2. Lenard Dome, and Andy Wills (2025) Better generalization through distraction? Concurrent load reduces the size of the inverse base-rate effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
    1. Lenard Dome, and Andy J. Wills (2023) Errorless irrationality: removing error-driven components from the inverse base-rate effect paradigm. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45) 237-243
      1. Lenard DomeCharlotte E. R. Edmunds, and Andy J. Wills (2021) SUSTAIN captures category learning, recognition, and hippocampal activation in a unidimensional vs information-integration task. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 43 (45) 3013-3019
      2. Stuart G. Spicer, Andy J. Wills, Peter M. Jones, Chris J. Mitchell, and Lenard Dome (2021) Representing uncertainty in the Rescorla-Wagner model: blocking, the redundancy effect, and outcome base rate. Open Journal of Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience 43 (45) 3013-3019
      1. Marina C. Wimmer, Lenard Dome, Peter J. B. Hancock, and Thomas Wennekers (2019) Is the Letter Cancellation Task a Suitable Index of Ego Depletion?. Social Psychology 43 (45) 345-354